KORANBOGOR.com-Last May, a special event was held in Thailand. At the request of Thai civic groups, HWPL and IPYG volunteered to give Korean classes in each region. Korean classes were held at Student Union in Nakhon Sawan on May...
KORANBOGOR.com-On June 21, HWPL held the “HWPL Peace Tree Planting & Marker Stone Unveiling Ceremony” jointly with Ulaanbaatar National Park & Garden Center to mark the start of Mongolia’s “Green Wave of Peace” tree planting project at Ulaanbaatar National...
KORANBOGOR.com,JAKARTA-Divisi Profesi dan Pengamanan (Propam Polri membuka saluran pengaduan (hotline) khusus bagi masyarakat yang ingin melaporkan dugaan pelanggaran oleh anggota polisi. Informasi...